Source code for

import dataclasses
import io
import logging
from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from warnings import warn
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import requests
import xarray as xr

from import (
from import (
from cchdo.params import WHPName, WHPNames
from cchdo.params import __version__ as params_version

    from cchdo.hydro import __version__ as hydro_version

[docs] CCHDO_VERSION = ".".join(hydro_version.split(".")[:2])
if "dev" in hydro_version: CCHDO_VERSION = hydro_version except ImportError: hydro_version = CCHDO_VERSION = "unknown"
[docs] log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] DIMS = ("N_PROF", "N_LEVELS")
[docs] STNNBR = WHPNames["STNNBR"]
[docs] CASTNO = WHPNames["CASTNO"]
[docs] SAMPNO = WHPNames["SAMPNO"]
[docs] DATE = WHPNames["DATE"]
[docs] TIME = WHPNames["TIME"]
[docs] CTDPRS = WHPNames[("CTDPRS", "DBAR")]
[docs] BTLNBR = WHPNames["BTLNBR"]
[docs] FLAG_SCHEME: dict[str, type[ExchangeFlag]] = { "woce_bottle": ExchangeBottleFlag, "woce_discrete": ExchangeSampleFlag, "woce_ctd": ExchangeCTDFlag, }
[docs] GEOMETRY_VARS = ("expocode", "station", "cast", "section_id", "time")
[docs] FILLS_MAP = {"string": "", "integer": np.nan, "decimal": np.nan}
[docs] FileTypes = Literal["C", "B"]
[docs] class FileType(Enum):
[docs] CTD = "C"
[docs] BOTTLE = "B"
# WHPNameIndex represents a Name to Column index in an exchange file
[docs] WHPNameIndex = dict[WHPName, int]
# WHPParamUnit represents the paired up contents of the Parameter and Unit lines # in an exchange file
[docs] WHPParamUnit = tuple[str, str | None]
[docs] def _has_no_nones(val: list[str | None]) -> TypeGuard[list[str]]: return None not in val
[docs] def _transform_whp_to_csv(params: list[str], units: list[str]) -> list[str]: slots: list[str | None] = [None for _ in range(len(params))] pairs = list(zip(params, units)) mutable_units = list(units) if len(set(pairs)) != len(pairs): # we will assume that this is due to flags, actual duplciate params will come later for index, (param, unit) in enumerate(pairs): next_idx = index + 1 try: next_param, next_unit = pairs[next_idx] except IndexError: continue potential_flag = f"{param}_FLAG_W" if next_param == potential_flag: mutable_units[next_idx] = unit flags = {} # param pass for index, (param, unit) in enumerate(zip(params, mutable_units)): if param.endswith("_FLAG_W"): flags[param] = index slots[index] = f"{param} [{unit}]" # flag pass for index, (param, unit) in enumerate(zip(params, mutable_units)): if param.endswith("_FLAG_W"): continue if (flag := f"{param}_FLAG_W") in flags: slots[flags[flag]] = f"{param} [{unit}]_FLAG_W" if _has_no_nones(slots): return slots raise ValueError("something has gone wrong with parameters transform")
[docs] def _get_params( params_units: Iterable[str], ignore_params: Iterable[str] | None = None ) -> tuple[WHPNameIndex, WHPNameIndex, WHPNameIndex]: params: WHPNameIndex = {} flags: WHPNameIndex = {} errors: WHPNameIndex = {} duplicate_errors = [] unknown_errors = [] if ignore_params is None: ignore_params = () for index, param in enumerate(params_units): if param.startswith("__SENTINEL") or param in ignore_params: continue try: whpname = WHPNames[param] except KeyError: unknown_errors.append(param) continue if whpname.error_col: errors[whpname] = index elif whpname.flag_col: flags[whpname] = index else: if whpname in params: duplicate_errors.append(param) params[whpname] = index if any(unknown_errors): raise ExchangeParameterUndefError(unknown_errors) if any(duplicate_errors): raise ExchangeDuplicateParameterError( f"The following params are duplicate: {duplicate_errors}" ) if not (params.keys() >= flags.keys()): raise ValueError(f"Some flags not in params: {flags.keys() - params.keys()}") if not (params.keys() >= errors.keys()): raise ValueError(f"Some errors not in params: {errors.keys() - params.keys()}") for flag in flags: if flag.flag_w == "no_flags": raise ExchangeFlaglessParameterError(flag) return params, flags, errors
[docs] def _ctd_get_header(line, dtype=str): header, value = (part.strip() for part in line.split("=")) if header in ("_SAMPLING_RATE", "SAMPLING_RATE") and value.lower().endswith("hz"): value = value.rstrip(" HZhz") return header, dtype(value)
[docs] def _is_all_dataarray(val: list[Any]) -> TypeGuard[list[xr.DataArray]]: return all(isinstance(obj, xr.DataArray) for obj in val)
[docs] def flatten_cdom_coordinate(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Takes the a dataset with a CDOM wavelength and explocdes it back into individual variables""" if "cdom" not in dataset: return dataset keys = ["cdom", "CDOM_WAVELENGTHS"] if "cdom_qc" in dataset: keys.append("cdom_qc") ds = dataset.copy() cdom_var = ds[keys] for cdom_wavelength, arr in cdom_var.groupby("CDOM_WAVELENGTHS", squeeze=False): arr = arr.squeeze("CDOM_WAVELENGTHS") cdom = arr["cdom"].copy() cdom_qc = arr.get("cdom_qc") if cdom_qc is not None: cdom_qc = cdom_qc.copy() cdom.attrs["whp_name"] = cdom.attrs["whp_name"].format( CDOM_WAVELENGTHS=cdom_wavelength ) whp_name = WHPNames[f'{cdom.attrs["whp_name"]} [{cdom.attrs["whp_unit"]}]'] if cdom_qc is not None: cdom.attrs["ancillary_variables"] = whp_name.nc_name_flag ds[whp_name.nc_name] = cdom if cdom_qc is not None: ds[whp_name.nc_name_flag] = cdom_qc return ds.drop_vars(keys)
[docs] def add_cdom_coordinate(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Find all the paraters in the cdom group and add their wavelength in a new coordinate""" cdom_names = [ name for name in filter(lambda x: x.nc_group == "cdom", WHPNames.values()) ] cdom_names = sorted(cdom_names, key=lambda x: x.radiation_wavelength or 0) # NM this needs to be sorted by wavelength... cdom_data = [ dataset[name.full_nc_name] for name in cdom_names if name.full_nc_name in dataset ] # nothing to do if len(cdom_data) == 0: return dataset cdom_qc = [ dataset.get(dataarray.attrs.get("ancillary_variables")) for dataarray in cdom_data ] # useful for later coping of attrs first = cdom_data[0] # "None in" doesn't seem to work due to xarray comparison? none_in_qc = [da is None for da in cdom_qc] if any(none_in_qc) and not all(none_in_qc): raise NotImplementedError("partial QC for CDOM is not handled yet") radiation_wavelengths = [] c_formats = [] for dataarray in cdom_data: whp_name = dataarray.attrs["whp_name"] whp_unit = dataarray.attrs["whp_unit"] whpname = WHPNames[(whp_name, whp_unit)] radiation_wavelengths.append(whpname.radiation_wavelength) if "C_format" in dataarray.attrs: c_formats.append(dataarray.attrs["C_format"]) cdom_wavelengths = xr.DataArray( np.array(radiation_wavelengths, dtype=np.int32), dims="CDOM_WAVELENGTHS", name="CDOM_WAVELENGTHS", attrs={ "standard_name": "radiation_wavelength", "units": "nm", }, ) new_cdom_dims = ("N_PROF", "N_LEVELS", "CDOM_WAVELENGTHS") new_cdom_coords = { "N_PROF": first.coords["N_PROF"], "N_LEVELS": first.coords["N_LEVELS"], "CDOM_WAVELENGTHS": cdom_wavelengths, } has_qc = False # qc flags first if any if _is_all_dataarray(cdom_qc): has_qc = True cdom_qc_arrays = np.stack(cdom_qc, axis=-1) first_qc = cdom_qc[0] new_cdom_qc_attrs = {**first_qc.attrs} new_cdom_qc = xr.DataArray( cdom_qc_arrays, dims=new_cdom_dims, coords=new_cdom_coords, attrs=new_cdom_qc_attrs, ) new_cdom_qc.encoding = first_qc.encoding cdom_arrays = np.stack(cdom_data, axis=-1) new_cdom_attrs = { **first.attrs, "whp_name": "CDOM{CDOM_WAVELENGTHS}", "C_format": max(c_formats), } new_qc_name = f"{whpname.nc_group}_qc" if has_qc: new_cdom_attrs["ancillary_variables"] = new_qc_name new_cdom = xr.DataArray( cdom_arrays, dims=new_cdom_dims, coords=new_cdom_coords, attrs=new_cdom_attrs ) new_cdom.encoding = first.encoding dataset[] = new_cdom dataset = dataset.rename({ whpname.nc_group}) if has_qc: dataset[] = new_cdom_qc dataset = dataset.rename({ new_qc_name}) for old_name in cdom_names: try: del dataset[old_name] except KeyError: pass for old_name in cdom_names: try: del dataset[f"{old_name}_qc"] except KeyError: pass return dataset
[docs] def add_geometry_var(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Adds a CF-1.8 Geometry container variable to the dataset This allows for compatabiltiy with tools like gdal """ geometry_var = xr.DataArray( name="geometry_container", attrs={ "geometry_type": "point", "node_coordinates": "longitude latitude", }, ) dataset["geometry_container"] = geometry_var for var in GEOMETRY_VARS: if var in dataset: dataset[var].attrs["geometry"] = "geometry_container" return dataset
[docs] def add_profile_type(dataset: xr.Dataset, ftype: FileType) -> xr.Dataset: """Adds a `profile_type` string variable to the dataset. This is for ODV compatability .. warning:: Currently mixed profile types are not supported """ profile_type = xr.DataArray( np.full(dataset.sizes["N_PROF"], fill_value=ftype.value, dtype="U1"), name="profile_type", dims=DIMS[0], ) profile_type.encoding["dtype"] = "S1" dataset["profile_type"] = profile_type return dataset
[docs] def finalize_ancillary_variables(dataset: xr.Dataset): """Turn the ancillary variable attr into a space seperated string It is nice to have the ancillary variable be a list while things are being read into it """ for var in dataset.variables: if "ancillary_variables" not in dataset[var].attrs: continue ancillary_variables = dataset[var].attrs["ancillary_variables"] if len(ancillary_variables) == 0: del dataset[var].attrs["ancillary_variables"] elif isinstance(ancillary_variables, str): pass elif isinstance(ancillary_variables, list): dataset[var].attrs["ancillary_variables"] = " ".join( sorted(set(ancillary_variables)) ) else: raise ValueError("ancillary variables are crazy") return dataset
[docs] def combine_bottle_time(dataset: xr.Dataset): """Combine the bottle dates and times if present Raises if only one is present """ BTL_TIME = WHPNames["BTL_TIME"] BTL_DATE = WHPNames["BTL_DATE"] if BTL_DATE.full_nc_name not in dataset and BTL_TIME.full_nc_name not in dataset: return dataset if BTL_TIME.nc_name in dataset and BTL_DATE.nc_name not in dataset: dates = np.char.replace( np.datetime_as_string(dataset[TIME.nc_name].values, unit="D"), "-", "" ) dataset[BTL_DATE.nc_name] = dataset[BTL_TIME.nc_name].copy().astype("U8") dataset[BTL_DATE.nc_name].values.T[:] = dates dataset[BTL_DATE.nc_name].values[dataset[BTL_TIME.nc_name].values == ""] = "" ds = combine_dt( dataset, is_coord=False, date_name=BTL_DATE, time_name=BTL_TIME, time_pad=True, ) # Take the station time as BO and go back one hour for "safty" reference_time = ds.time - np.timedelta64(1, "h") # Add a day to anything before the ref time next_day = (ds.bottle_time < reference_time).values ds.bottle_time.values[next_day] = ds.bottle_time.values[next_day] + np.timedelta64( 1, "D" ) return ds
[docs] def check_is_subset_shape( a1: npt.NDArray, a2: npt.NDArray, strict="disallowed" ) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: """Ensure that the shape of the data in a2 is a subset (or strict subset) of the data shape of a1 For a given set of param, flag, and error arrays you would want to ensure that: * errors are a subset of params (strict is allowed) * params are a subset of flags (strict is allowed) For string vars, the empty string is considered the "nothing" value. For woce flags, flag 9s should be converted to nans (depending on scheme flag 5 and 1 may not have param values) Return a boolean array of invalid locations """ if a1.shape != a2.shape: raise ValueError("Cannot compare diffing shaped arrays") a1_values = np.isfinite(a1) a2_values = np.isfinite(a2) return a1_values != a2_values
[docs] def check_flags(dataset: xr.Dataset, raises=True): """Check WOCE flag values agaisnt their param and ensure that the param either has a value or is "nan" depedning on the flag definition. Return a boolean array of invalid locations? """ woce_flags = { "WOCESAMPLE": ExchangeBottleFlag, "WOCECTD": ExchangeCTDFlag, "WOCEBOTTLE": ExchangeSampleFlag, } flag_has_value = { "WOCESAMPLE": {flag.value: flag.has_value for flag in ExchangeBottleFlag}, "WOCECTD": {flag.value: flag.has_value for flag in ExchangeCTDFlag}, "WOCEBOTTLE": {flag.value: flag.has_value for flag in ExchangeSampleFlag}, } # In some cases, a coordinate variable might have flags, so we are not using filter_by_attrs # get all the flag vars (that also have conventions) flag_vars = [] for var_name in dataset.variables: # do not replace the above with .items() it will give you xr.Variable objects that you don't want to use # the following gets a real xr.DataArray data = dataset[var_name] if not {"standard_name", "conventions"} <= data.attrs.keys(): continue if not any(flag in data.attrs["conventions"] for flag in woce_flags): continue if "status_flag" in data.attrs["standard_name"]: flag_vars.append(var_name) # match flags with their data vars # it is legal in CF for one set of flags to apply to multiple vars flag_errors = {} for flag_var in flag_vars: # get the flag and check attrs for defs flag_da = dataset[flag_var] conventions = None for flag in woce_flags: if flag_da.attrs.get("conventions", "").startswith(flag): conventions = flag break # we don't know these flags, skip the check if not conventions: continue allowed_values = np.array(list(flag_has_value[conventions])) illegal_flags = ~flag_da.fillna(9).isin(allowed_values) if np.any(illegal_flags): illegal_flags.attrs["comments"] = ( f"This is a boolean array in the same shape as '{}' which is truthy where invalid values exist" ) flag_errors[f"{}_value_errors"] = illegal_flags continue for var_name in dataset.variables: data = dataset[var_name] if "ancillary_variables" not in data.attrs: continue if flag_var not in data.attrs["ancillary_variables"].split(" "): continue # check data against flags has_fill_f = [ flag for flag, value in flag_has_value[conventions].items() if value is False ] has_fill = flag_da.isin(has_fill_f) | np.isnan(flag_da) # TODO deal with strs if np.issubdtype(data.values.dtype, np.number): fill_value_mismatch: xr.DataArray = ~(np.isfinite(data) ^ has_fill) # type: ignore # numpy doesn't support __array_ufunc__ types yet if np.any(fill_value_mismatch): fill_value_mismatch.attrs["comments"] = ( f"This is a boolean array in the same shape as '{}' which is truthy where invalid values exist" ) flag_errors[f"{}_value_errors"] = fill_value_mismatch flag_errors_ds = xr.Dataset(flag_errors) if raises and any(flag_errors_ds): raise ExchangeDataFlagPairError(flag_errors_ds) return flag_errors_ds
[docs] class _ExchangeData: """Dataclass containing exchange data which has been parsed into ndarrays"""
[docs] single_profile: bool
[docs] param_cols: dict[WHPName, np.ndarray]
[docs] flag_cols: dict[WHPName, np.ndarray]
[docs] error_cols: dict[WHPName, np.ndarray]
# OG Print Precition Tracking
[docs] param_precisions: dict[WHPName, npt.NDArray[np.int_]]
[docs] error_precisions: dict[WHPName, npt.NDArray[np.int_]]
[docs] comments: str
[docs] def __post_init__(self): # check the shapes of all the nd arrays are the same get_shape = attrgetter("shape") shapes = [ get_shape(arr) for arr in chain( self.param_cols.values(), self.flag_cols.values(), self.error_cols.values(), ) ] if not all([shape == shapes[0] for shape in shapes]): # TODO Error handling raise ValueError("shape error") self.shape = shapes[0] if self.single_profile: # all "profile scoped" params must have the same values for param, data in self.param_cols.items(): if param.scope != "profile": continue if not np.unique(data).shape[0] == 1: raise ValueError(f"inconsistent {param} {data}") # sample must be unique try: sample_ids = self.param_cols[SAMPNO] except KeyError as err: log.debug("SAMPNO not in file, attempting BTLNBR fallback") if BTLNBR in self.param_cols: sample_ids = self.param_cols[BTLNBR] self.param_cols[SAMPNO] = self.param_cols[BTLNBR] else: raise ExchangeDataPartialKeyError("Missing SAMPNO") from err unique_sample_ids, unique_sample_counts = np.unique( sample_ids, return_counts=True ) if unique_sample_ids.shape != sample_ids.shape: duplicated_values = unique_sample_ids[unique_sample_counts > 1] raise ExchangeDuplicateKeyError( { "EXPOCODE": self.param_cols[EXPOCODE][0], "STNNBR": self.param_cols[STNNBR][0], "CASTNO": self.param_cols[CASTNO][0], "SAMPNO": str(duplicated_values), } ) # check coordinates are "full" for coord in COORDS: if coord is TIME and TIME not in self.param_cols: continue data = self.param_cols[coord] if data.dtype.char in {"S", "U"}: if np.any(data == ""): raise ExchangeDataPartialCoordinateError( f"{coord} has missing values" ) elif np.any(np.isnan(data)): raise ExchangeDataPartialCoordinateError( f"{coord} has missing values" ) # make sure flags and errors are strict subsets if not self.flag_cols.keys() <= self.param_cols.keys(): raise ExchangeOrphanFlagError() if not self.error_cols.keys() <= self.param_cols.keys(): raise ExchangeOrphanErrorError()
[docs] def set_expected( self, params: set[WHPName], flags: set[WHPName], errors: set[WHPName] ): """Puts fill columns for expected params which are missing This can occur when there are disjoint columns in CTD files """ ref_cols = { "string": EXPOCODE, "integer": CASTNO, "decimal": LATITUDE, } # we need to detect if just the flag is misisng and set to flag 0 or 9 depending on where data are # else set to flag 9 for name in flags: if name in self.flag_cols: continue self.flag_cols[name] = np.full_like( self.param_cols[ref_cols["integer"]], fill_value=np.nan ) if name in self.param_cols: self.flag_cols[name][np.isfinite(self.param_cols[name])] = 0 for name in params: if name in self.param_cols: continue self.param_cols[name] = np.full_like( self.param_cols[ref_cols[name.dtype]], fill_value=FILLS_MAP[name.dtype] ) for name in errors: if name in self.error_cols: continue self.error_cols[name] = np.full_like( self.param_cols[ref_cols[name.dtype]], fill_value=FILLS_MAP[name.dtype] )
[docs] def split_profiles(self): """Split into single profile containing _ExchangeData instances Done by looking at the expocode+station+cast composate keys """ try: expocode = self.param_cols[EXPOCODE] except KeyError as err: raise ExchangeDataPartialKeyError("Missing EXPOCODE") from err try: station = self.param_cols[STNNBR] except KeyError as err: raise ExchangeDataPartialKeyError("Missing STNNBR") from err try: cast = self.param_cols[CASTNO] except KeyError as err: raise ExchangeDataPartialKeyError("Missing CASTNO") from err # need to split up by profiles and _not_ assume the bottles are in order # use the actual values to sort things out # we don't care what the values are, they just need to work log.debug("Grouping Profiles by Key") # we need to add seperators to avoid conflicts # TODO: add test for when these might conflict expocode_sep = np.char.add(expocode, ",") station_sep = np.char.add(station, ",") # numpy concat basically prof_ids = np.char.add(np.char.add(expocode_sep, station_sep), cast.astype("U")) unique_profile_ids = np.unique(prof_ids) log.debug("Found %s unique profile keys", len(unique_profile_ids)) profiles = [np.nonzero(prof_ids == prof) for prof in unique_profile_ids] log.debug("Actually splitting profiles") return [ _ExchangeData( single_profile=True, param_cols={ param: data[profile] for param, data in self.param_cols.items() }, flag_cols={ param: data[profile] for param, data in self.flag_cols.items() }, error_cols={ param: data[profile] for param, data in self.error_cols.items() }, param_precisions=self.param_precisions, error_precisions=self.error_precisions, comments=self.comments, ) for profile in profiles ]
[docs] def str_lens(self) -> dict[WHPName, int]: """Figure out the length of all the string params The char size can vary by platform. """ log.debug("Dealing with strings") lens = {} for param, data in self.param_cols.items(): if param.dtype == "string": lens[param] = int(np.max(np.char.str_len(data))) return lens
[docs] def _get_fill_locs(arr, fill_values: tuple[str, ...] = ("-999",)): fill = np.char.startswith(arr, fill_values[0]) if len(fill_values) > 1: for fill_value in fill_values[1:]: fill = fill | np.char.startswith(arr, fill_value) return fill
[docs] class _ExchangeInfo: """Low level dataclass containing the parts of an exchange file"""
[docs] stamp_slice: slice
[docs] comments_slice: slice
[docs] ctd_headers_slice: slice
[docs] params_idx: int
[docs] units_idx: int
[docs] data_slice: slice
[docs] post_data_slice: slice
[docs] _raw_lines: tuple[str, ...] = dataclasses.field(repr=False)
[docs] _ctd_override: bool = False
[docs] _ignore_columns: Iterable[str] = ()
[docs] def stamp(self): """Returns the filestamp of the exchange file e.g. "BOTTLE,20210301CCHSIOAMB" """ return self._raw_lines[self.stamp_slice]
[docs] def comments(self): """Returns the comments of the exchange file with leading # stripped""" raw_comments = self._raw_lines[self.comments_slice] return [c[1:] if c.startswith("#") else c for c in raw_comments]
[docs] def ctd_headers(self): """Returns a dict of the CTD headers and their value""" return dict( [_ctd_get_header(line) for line in self._raw_lines[self.ctd_headers_slice]] )
[docs] def params(self): """Returns a list of all parameters in the file (including CTD "headers")""" ctd_params = self.ctd_headers.keys() data_params = self._raw_lines[self.params_idx].split(",") return [param.strip() for param in [*ctd_params, *data_params]]
[docs] def units(self): """Returns a list of all the units in the file (including CTD "headers") Will have the same shape as params """ if self.params_idx == self.units_idx: return self.params # we can have a bunch of empty strings as units, we want these to be # None to match what would be in a WHPName object ctd_units = [None for _ in self.ctd_headers] data_units = self._raw_lines[self.units_idx].split(",") return [ x if x != "" else None for x in [ *ctd_units, *[unit.strip() for unit in data_units], ] ]
[docs] def data(self): """Returns the data block of an exchange file as a tuple of strs. One line per entry. """ return self._raw_lines[self.data_slice]
[docs] def post_data(self): """Returns any post data content as a tuple of strs""" return self._raw_lines[self.post_data_slice]
[docs] def _whp_param_info(self): """Parses the params and units for base parameters Returns a dict with a WHPName to column index mapping """ # In initial testing, it was discovered that approx half the ctd files # had trailing commas in just the params and units lines if self.params[-1] == "" and self.units[-1] is None: self.params.pop() self.units.pop() # the number of expected columns is just going to be the number of # parameter names we see column_count = len(self.params) if len(self.units) != column_count: if len(self.units) > column_count: # attempt to fix trailing commas in units (assume PARAMS is canonical) while len(self.units) > column_count: if self.units[-1] is not None: break self.units.pop() # check to see if above fixed it if len(self.units) != column_count: raise ExchangeParameterUnitAlignmentError if self.params_idx == self.units_idx: params_units = self.params else: params_units = _transform_whp_to_csv(self.params, self.units) params_idx, flags, errors = _get_params(params_units, self._ignore_columns) if any(self.ctd_headers) or self._ctd_override: params_idx[SAMPNO] = params_idx[CTDPRS] return params_idx, flags, errors
[docs] def whp_params(self): return self._whp_param_info[0]
[docs] def whp_flags(self): """Parses the params and units for flag values returns a dict with a WHPName to column index of flags mapping """ return self._whp_param_info[1]
[docs] def whp_errors(self): """Parses the params and units for uncertanty values returns a dict with a WHPName to column index of errors mapping """ return self._whp_param_info[2]
[docs] def _np_data_block(self): _raw_data = tuple( tuple((*self.ctd_headers.values(), *line.replace(" ", "").split(","))) for line in ) return np.array(_raw_data, dtype="U")
[docs] def finalize(self, fill_values=("-999",), precision_source="file") -> _ExchangeData: """Parse all the data into ndarrays of the correct dtype and shape Returns an ExchangeData dataclass """ log.debug("Finializing...") single_profile = any(self.ctd_headers) np_db = self._np_data_block dtype_map = {"string": "U", "integer": "float32", "decimal": "float64"} whp_param_cols = {} whp_flag_cols = {} whp_error_cols = {} whp_param_precisions = {} whp_error_precisions = {} for param, idx in self.whp_params.items(): param_col = np_db[:, idx] fill_spaces = _get_fill_locs(param_col, fill_values) if param.dtype in ("decimal", "integer"): if not _is_valid_exchange_numeric(param_col): raise ValueError( f"exchange numeric data for {param.whp_name} has bad chars" ) if precision_source == "file": whp_param_precisions[param] = extract_numeric_precisions(param_col) param_col[fill_spaces] = "nan" if param.dtype == "string": param_col[fill_spaces] = "" whp_param_cols[param] = param_col.astype(dtype_map[param.dtype]) for param, idx in self.whp_flags.items(): param_col = np_db[:, idx] fill_spaces = np.char.startswith(param_col, "9") param_col[fill_spaces] = "nan" whp_flag_cols[param] = np_db[:, idx].astype("float16") for param, idx in self.whp_errors.items(): param_col = np_db[:, idx] fill_spaces = _get_fill_locs(param_col, fill_values) if param.dtype in ("decimal", "integer"): if not _is_valid_exchange_numeric(param_col): raise ValueError( f"{param} error col exchange numeric data has bad chars" ) if precision_source == "file": whp_error_precisions[param] = extract_numeric_precisions(param_col) param_col[fill_spaces] = "nan" whp_error_cols[param] = param_col.astype(dtype_map[param.dtype]) comments = "\n".join([*self.stamp, *self.comments]) del self._raw_lines return _ExchangeData( single_profile, whp_param_cols, whp_flag_cols, whp_error_cols, whp_param_precisions, whp_error_precisions, comments=comments, )
[docs] def from_lines(cls, lines: tuple[str, ...], ftype: FileType, ignore_columns): """Figure out the line numbers/indicies of the parts of the exchange file""" stamp = 0 # file stamp is always the first line of a valid exchange comments_start = 1 comments_end = 1 ctd_header_start = 1 ctd_header_end = 1 params = 1 units = 1 data_start = 1 data_end = 1 post_data_start = 1 post_data_end = 1 class LookingFor(Enum): """States for the FSM that is this parser""" FILE_STAMP = auto() COMMENTS = auto() CTD_HEADERS = auto() PARAMS = auto() UNITS = auto() DATA = auto() POST_DATA = auto() state = LookingFor.FILE_STAMP ctd_num_headers = 0 log.debug("Looking for file parts") for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if state is LookingFor.FILE_STAMP: state = LookingFor.COMMENTS continue if state is LookingFor.COMMENTS: if line.startswith("#"): comments_end = idx + 1 elif ftype == FileType.CTD: state = LookingFor.CTD_HEADERS param, value = _ctd_get_header(line, dtype=int) if param != "NUMBER_HEADERS": raise ValueError() ctd_num_headers = value - 1 ctd_header_start = idx + 1 continue else: state = LookingFor.PARAMS continue if state is LookingFor.CTD_HEADERS: if ctd_num_headers == 0: ctd_header_end = idx state = LookingFor.PARAMS continue ctd_num_headers -= 1 if state is LookingFor.PARAMS: params = idx - 1 state = LookingFor.UNITS continue if state is LookingFor.UNITS: units = idx - 1 data_start = idx state = LookingFor.DATA continue if state is LookingFor.DATA: if line == "END_DATA": data_end = idx state = LookingFor.POST_DATA post_data_start = post_data_end = idx + 1 continue if state is LookingFor.POST_DATA: post_data_end = idx return cls( stamp_slice=slice(stamp, comments_start), comments_slice=slice(comments_start, comments_end), ctd_headers_slice=slice(ctd_header_start, ctd_header_end), params_idx=params, units_idx=units, data_slice=slice(data_start, data_end), post_data_slice=slice(post_data_start, post_data_end), _raw_lines=lines, _ignore_columns=ignore_columns, )
[docs] def extract_numeric_precisions( data: list[str] | npt.NDArray[np.str_], ) -> npt.NDArray[np.int_]: """Get the numeric precision of a printed decimal number""" # magic number explain: np.char.partition expands each element into a 3-tuple # of (pre, sep, post) of some sep, in our case a "." char. # We only want the post bits [idx 2] (the number of chars after a decimal seperator) # of the last axis. numeric_parts = np.char.partition(data, ".")[..., 2] str_lens = np.char.str_len(numeric_parts) return np.max(str_lens, axis=0)
[docs] def _is_valid_exchange_numeric(data: npt.NDArray[np.str_]) -> np.bool_: # see allowed code points of the exchange doc # essentially, only %f types (not %g) allowed_exchange_numeric_data_chars = [ c.encode("utf-8") for c in list("0123456789.-") ] + [b""] aligned = np.require(data, requirements=["C_CONTIGUOUS"]) return np.all(np.isin(aligned.view("|S1"), allowed_exchange_numeric_data_chars))
[docs] ExchangeIO = str | Path | io.BufferedIOBase
[docs] def _combine_dt_ndarray( date_arr: npt.NDArray[np.str_], time_arr: npt.NDArray[np.str_] | None = None, time_pad=False, ) -> np.ndarray: # TODO: When min pyver is 3.10, maybe consider pattern matching here def _parse_date(date_val: str) -> np.datetime64: if date_val == "": return np.datetime64("nat") return np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(date_val, "%Y%m%d")) def _parse_datetime(date_val: str) -> np.datetime64: if date_val == "T": return np.datetime64("nat") if date_val.endswith("2400"): date, _ = date_val.split("T") return np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(days=1)) return np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(date_val, "%Y%m%dT%H%M")) # vectorize here doesn't speed things, it just nice for the interface parse_date = np.vectorize(_parse_date, ["datetime64"]) parse_datetime = np.vectorize(_parse_datetime, ["datetime64"]) if time_arr is None: return parse_date(date_arr).astype("datetime64[D]") if np.all(time_arr == "0"): return parse_date(date_arr).astype("datetime64[D]") time_arr = time_arr.astype("U4") if time_pad: if np.any(np.char.str_len(time_arr[time_arr != ""]) < 4): warn("Time values are being padded with zeros") if not np.all(time_arr == ""): time_arr[time_arr != ""] = np.char.zfill(time_arr[time_arr != ""], 4) arr = np.char.add(np.char.add(date_arr, "T"), time_arr) return parse_datetime(arr).astype("datetime64[m]")
[docs] def sort_ds(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Sorts the data values in the dataset Ensures that profiles are in the following order: * Earlier before later (time will increase) * Southerly before northerly (latitude will increase) * Westerly before easterly (longitude will increase) The two xy sorts are esentially tie breakers for when we are missing "time" Inside profiles: * Shallower before Deeper (pressure will increase) """ # first make sure everything is sorted by pressure # this is being done "manually" here becuase xarray only supports 1D sorting pressure = dataset.pressure sorted_indicies = np.argsort(pressure.values, axis=1) for var in dataset.variables: # this check ensures that the variable being sorted # shares the first two dims as pressure, but allows for more dims past that if dataset[var].dims[slice(0, len(pressure.dims))] == pressure.dims: dataset[var][:] = np.take_along_axis( dataset[var].values, sorted_indicies, axis=1 ) # now we can just use the xarray sorting, which only supports 1D return dataset.sortby(["time", "latitude", "longitude"])
[docs] def check_sorted(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> bool: """Check that the dataset is sorted by the rules in :func:`sort_ds`""" sorted_ds = sort_ds(dataset.copy(deep=True)) return all( [ np.allclose(sorted_ds.pressure, dataset.pressure, equal_nan=True), np.all( (sorted_ds.time == dataset.time) | (np.isnat(sorted_ds.time) == np.isnat(dataset.time)) ), np.allclose(sorted_ds.latitude, dataset.latitude, equal_nan=True), np.allclose(sorted_ds.longitude, dataset.longitude, equal_nan=True), ] )
[docs] WHPNameAttr = str | list[str]
[docs] def combine_dt( dataset: xr.Dataset, is_coord: bool = True, date_name: WHPName = DATE, time_name: WHPName = TIME, time_pad=False, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Combine the exchange style string variables of date and optinally time into a single variable containing real datetime objects This will remove the time variable if present, and replace then rename the date variable. Date is replaced/renamed to maintain variable order in the xr.DataSet """ # date and time want specific attrs whos values have been # selected by significant debate date = dataset[date_name.full_nc_name] time: xr.DataArray | None = dataset.get( time_name.full_nc_name ) # not be present, this is allowed whp_name: WHPNameAttr = [date_name.full_whp_name, time_name.full_whp_name] try: if time is None: dt_arr = _combine_dt_ndarray(date.values) else: dt_arr = _combine_dt_ndarray(date.values, time.values, time_pad=time_pad) except ValueError as err: raise ExchangeError( f"Could not parse date/time cols {date_name.whp_name} {time_name.whp_name}" ) from err precision = 1 / 24 / 60 # minute as day fraction if == "datetime64[D]": precision = 1 whp_name = date_name.whp_name time_var = xr.DataArray( dt_arr.astype("datetime64[ns]"), dims=date.dims, attrs={ "standard_name": "time", "whp_name": whp_name, "resolution": precision, }, ) if is_coord is True: time_var.attrs["axis"] = "T" # if the thing being combined is a coordinate, it may not contain vill values time_var.encoding["_FillValue"] = None if is_coord else np.nan time_var.encoding["units"] = "days since 1950-01-01T00:00Z" time_var.encoding["calendar"] = "gregorian" time_var.encoding["dtype"] = "double" try: del dataset[time_name.nc_name] except KeyError: pass # this is being done in a funny way to retain the variable ordering # we will always keep the "time" variable name dataset[date_name.nc_name] = time_var return dataset.rename({date_name.nc_name: time_name.nc_name})
[docs] def set_axis_attrs(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Set the CF axis attribute on our axis variables (XYZT) * longitude = "X" * latitude = "Y" * pressure = "Z", addtionally, positive is down * time = "T" """ dataset.longitude.attrs["axis"] = "X" dataset.latitude.attrs["axis"] = "Y" dataset.pressure.attrs["axis"] = "Z" dataset.pressure.attrs["positive"] = "down" dataset.time.attrs["axis"] = "T" return dataset
[docs] def set_coordinate_encoding_fill(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Sets the _FillValue encoidng to None for 1D coordinate vars""" for coord in COORDS: if coord is TIME and coord.nc_name not in dataset: continue if len(dataset[coord.nc_name].dims) == 1: dataset[coord.nc_name].encoding["_FillValue"] = None return dataset
[docs] def _load_raw_exchange( filename_or_obj: ExchangeIO, *, file_seperator: str | None = None, keep_seperator=True, encoding="utf8", ) -> list[str]: if isinstance(filename_or_obj, str) and filename_or_obj.startswith("http"):"Loading object over http") data_raw = io.BytesIO(requests.get(filename_or_obj).content) elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, str | Path) and Path(filename_or_obj).exists():"Loading object from local file path") with open(filename_or_obj, "rb") as local_file: data_raw = io.BytesIO( # lets just try "reading" elif hasattr(filename_or_obj, "read"):"Loading object open file object") # data_raw = io.BytesIO( # type: ignore elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, bytes | bytearray):"Loading raw data bytes") data_raw = io.BytesIO(filename_or_obj) data: list[str] = [] if file_seperator is not None: data = data = list(filter(lambda x: x != "", data)) if keep_seperator: data = [(datum + file_seperator).strip() for datum in data] data = [datum.strip() for datum in data] elif is_zipfile(data_raw): # is_zipfile moves the "tell" position with ZipFile(data_raw) as zipfile: for zipinfo in zipfile.infolist(): log.debug("Reading %s", zipinfo) try: data.append( except UnicodeDecodeError as error: raise ExchangeEncodingError from error else: # is_zipfile moves the "tell" position try: data.append( except UnicodeDecodeError as error: raise ExchangeEncodingError from error # cleanup the data_raw to free the memory data_raw.close() return data
[docs] def all_same(ndarr: np.ndarray) -> np.bool_: """Test if all the values of an ndarray are the same value""" if np.issubdtype(ndarr.dtype, np.number) and np.isnan(ndarr.flat[0]): return np.all(np.isnan(ndarr)) return np.all(ndarr == ndarr.flat[0])
[docs] class CheckOptions(TypedDict, total=False): """Flags and config that controll how strict the file checks are"""
[docs] flags: bool
[docs] def read_csv( filename_or_obj: ExchangeIO, *, fill_values=("-999",), ftype: FileType | FileTypes = FileType.BOTTLE, checks: CheckOptions | None = None, precision_source="file", encoding="utf8", ignore_columns: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: ftype = FileType(ftype) _checks: CheckOptions = {"flags": True} if checks is not None: _checks.update(checks) if ignore_columns is None: ignore_columns = () data = _load_raw_exchange( filename_or_obj, file_seperator="something_very_unliekly~~~", keep_seperator=False, encoding=encoding, ) if len(data) != 1: raise ValueError("read_csv can only read a single file") splitdata = data[0].splitlines() params_units = splitdata[0] whp_params: list[WHPName] = [] sentinel_count = 0 for name in params_units.split(","): if name in ignore_columns: whp_params.append(SENTINEL_PARAM.as_depth(sentinel_count + 1)) sentinel_count += 1 else: whp_params.append(WHPNames[name]) params_units_list = [name.odv_key for name in whp_params] NONE_SLICE = slice( 0, 0, ) new_data = tuple((",".join(params_units_list), *splitdata[1:])) exchange_data = _ExchangeInfo( stamp_slice=NONE_SLICE, comments_slice=NONE_SLICE, ctd_headers_slice=NONE_SLICE, params_idx=0, units_idx=0, data_slice=slice(1, None), post_data_slice=NONE_SLICE, _raw_lines=new_data, _ctd_override=ftype == FileType.CTD, ).finalize(precision_source=precision_source, fill_values=fill_values) return _from_exchange_data([exchange_data], ftype=ftype, checks=_checks)
[docs] def read_exchange( filename_or_obj: ExchangeIO, *, fill_values=("-999",), checks: CheckOptions | None = None, precision_source="file", file_seperator=None, keep_seperator=True, encoding="utf8", ignore_columns: Iterable[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Loads the data from filename_or_obj and returns a xr.Dataset with the CCHDO CF/netCDF structure""" _checks: CheckOptions = {"flags": True} if checks is not None: _checks.update(checks) log.debug(f"Check options: {_checks}") data = _load_raw_exchange( filename_or_obj, file_seperator=file_seperator, keep_seperator=keep_seperator, encoding=encoding, )"Checking for BOM") if any(df.startswith("\ufeff") for df in data): raise ExchangeBOMError"Detecting file type") if all(df.startswith("BOTTLE") for df in data): ftype = FileType.BOTTLE elif all(df.startswith("CTD") for df in data): ftype = FileType.CTD elif all(df.startswith(("CTD", "BOTTLE")) for df in data): # Mixed CTD and BOTTLE files (probably in a zip) raise ExchangeInconsistentMergeType else: raise ExchangeMagicNumberError"Found filetype: %s", exchange_data = [ _ExchangeInfo.from_lines( tuple(df.splitlines()), ftype=ftype, ignore_columns=ignore_columns ).finalize( fill_values=fill_values, precision_source=precision_source, ) for df in data ] return _from_exchange_data(exchange_data, ftype=ftype, checks=_checks)
[docs] def _from_exchange_data( exchange_data: list[_ExchangeData], *, ftype=FileType.BOTTLE, checks: CheckOptions | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: # Need to avoid circular import for now from cchdo.hydro.core import dataarray_factory _checks: CheckOptions = {"flags": True} if checks is not None: _checks.update(checks) if not all(fp.single_profile for fp in exchange_data): exchange_data = list(chain(*[exd.split_profiles() for exd in exchange_data])) N_PROF = len(exchange_data) N_LEVELS = max(fp.shape[0] for fp in exchange_data) log.debug((N_PROF, N_LEVELS)) params = set(chain(*[exd.param_cols.keys() for exd in exchange_data])) flags = set(chain(*[exd.flag_cols.keys() for exd in exchange_data])) errors = set(chain(*[exd.error_cols.keys() for exd in exchange_data])) for exd in exchange_data: exd.set_expected(params, flags, errors) # to init the empty data arrays, we need to know the max size of all the string type parameters # otherwise the values will be silently truncated str_lens: dict[WHPName, int] = {} for exd in exchange_data: for param, length in exd.str_lens.items(): if str_lens.get(param, 0) <= length: str_lens[param] = length log.debug(f"Total string lengths: {str_lens}") log.debug("Init DataArrays") dataarrays = {} for param in sorted(params): dataarrays[param.full_nc_name] = dataarray_factory( param, N_PROF=N_PROF, N_LEVELS=N_LEVELS, strlen=str_lens.get(param) ) dataarrays[param.full_nc_name].attrs["ancillary_variables"] = [] if param in flags: qc_name = param.nc_name_flag dataarrays[qc_name] = dataarray_factory( param, ctype="flag", N_PROF=N_PROF, N_LEVELS=N_LEVELS ) dataarrays[param.full_nc_name].attrs["ancillary_variables"].append(qc_name) if param in errors: error_name = param.nc_name_error dataarrays[error_name] = dataarray_factory( param, ctype="error", N_PROF=N_PROF, N_LEVELS=N_LEVELS ) dataarrays[param.full_nc_name].attrs["ancillary_variables"].append( error_name ) # Check for ancillary temperature data and connect to the parent if param.analytical_temperature_name is not None: ancilary_temp_param = WHPNames[ (param.analytical_temperature_name, param.analytical_temperature_units) ] if ancilary_temp_param in params: dataarrays[param.full_nc_name].attrs["ancillary_variables"].append( ancilary_temp_param.full_nc_name ) log.debug("Put data in arrays") comments = exchange_data[0].comments for n_prof, exd in enumerate(exchange_data): if exd.comments != comments: comments = f"{comments}\n----file_break----\n{exd.comments}" for param in params: if param in exd.param_precisions and param.dtype == "decimal": dataarrays[param.full_nc_name].attrs["C_format"] = ( f"%.{exd.param_precisions[param]}f" ) dataarrays[param.full_nc_name].attrs["C_format_source"] = "input_file" if param in exd.error_precisions and param.dtype == "decimal": dataarrays[param.nc_name_error].attrs["C_format"] = ( f"%.{exd.error_precisions[param]}f" ) dataarrays[param.nc_name_error].attrs["C_format_source"] = "input_file" if param.scope == "profile": if not all_same(exd.param_cols[param]): raise ExchangeDataInconsistentCoordinateError(param) dataarrays[param.full_nc_name][n_prof] = exd.param_cols[param][0] if param in flags: dataarrays[param.nc_name_flag][n_prof] = exd.flag_cols[param][0] if param in errors: dataarrays[param.nc_name_error][n_prof] = exd.error_cols[param][0] if param.scope == "sample": data = exd.param_cols[param] dataarrays[param.full_nc_name][n_prof, : len(data)] = data if param in flags: data = exd.flag_cols[param] dataarrays[param.nc_name_flag][n_prof, : len(data)] = data if param in errors: data = exd.error_cols[param] dataarrays[param.nc_name_error][n_prof, : len(data)] = data ex_dataset = xr.Dataset( dataarrays, attrs={ "Conventions": f"CF-1.8 CCHDO-{CCHDO_VERSION}", "cchdo_software_version": f"hydro {hydro_version}", "cchdo_parameters_version": f"params {params_version}", "comments": comments, "featureType": "profile", }, ) # The order of the following is somewhat important ex_dataset = set_coordinate_encoding_fill(ex_dataset) ex_dataset = combine_dt(ex_dataset, time_pad=True) # these are the only two we know of for now ex_dataset = ex_dataset.set_coords( [coord.full_nc_name for coord in COORDS if coord.full_nc_name in ex_dataset] ) ex_dataset = sort_ds(ex_dataset) ex_dataset = set_axis_attrs(ex_dataset) ex_dataset = add_profile_type(ex_dataset, ftype=ftype) ex_dataset = add_geometry_var(ex_dataset) ex_dataset = finalize_ancillary_variables(ex_dataset) ex_dataset = combine_bottle_time(ex_dataset) ex_dataset = add_cdom_coordinate(ex_dataset) if _checks["flags"]: log.debug("Checking flags") check_flags(ex_dataset) return ex_dataset