Source code for hydro.accessors

import os
import re
import string
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from io import BufferedWriter, BytesIO
from typing import Literal, NamedTuple
from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED, ZipFile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from cchdo.params import WHPName, WHPNames

from .exchange import (
from .exchange import check_flags as _check_flags

[docs] FLAG_NAME = "cchdo.hydro._qc"
[docs] ERROR_NAME = "cchdo.hydro._error"
[docs] PathType = str | bytes | os.PathLike
[docs] def write_or_return( data: bytes, path_or_fobj: PathType | BufferedWriter | None = None ) -> bytes | None: # assume path_or_fobj is an open filelike if path_or_fobj is None: return data if isinstance(path_or_fobj, BufferedWriter): try: path_or_fobj.write(data) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("File must be open for bytes writing") from error else: with open(path_or_fobj, "wb") as f: f.write(data) return None
# maybe temp location for FQ merge machinery
[docs] class FQPointKey(NamedTuple):
[docs] expocode: str
[docs] station: str
[docs] cast: int
[docs] sample: str
[docs] class FQProfileKey(NamedTuple):
[docs] expocode: str
[docs] station: str
[docs] cast: int
[docs] class WHPIndxer: def __init__(self, obj: xr.Dataset) -> None: self.n_prof = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [,,, ], names=["expocode", "station", "cast"], ) self.n_level = [ pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [prof.squeeze("N_PROF")], names=["sample"] ) for _, prof in obj.groupby("N_PROF", squeeze=False) ]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: FQProfileKey | FQPointKey): prof_idx = self.n_prof.get_loc((key.expocode, key.station, key.cast)) if isinstance(key, FQPointKey): level_idx = self.n_level[prof_idx].get_loc(key.sample) else: level_idx = slice(None) return prof_idx, level_idx
[docs] NormalizedFQ = dict[FQProfileKey | FQPointKey, dict[str, str | float]]
[docs] def normalize_fq(fq: list[dict[str, str | float]], *, check_dupes=True) -> NormalizedFQ: normalized: NormalizedFQ = defaultdict(dict) key: FQProfileKey | FQPointKey for line in fq: expocode = str(line.pop("EXPOCODE")) station = str(line.pop("STNNBR")) cast = int(line.pop("CASTNO")) try: sample = str(line.pop("SAMPNO")) except KeyError: key = FQProfileKey(expocode, station, cast) else: key = FQPointKey(expocode, station, cast, sample) if check_dupes is True: shared_keys = normalized[key].keys() & line.keys() if len(shared_keys) != 0: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate input data found: {key}") normalized[key].update(line) return normalized
[docs] def fq_get_precisions(fq: NormalizedFQ) -> dict[str, int]: collect: dict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) for value in fq.values(): for param, data in value.items(): if isinstance(data, str): collect[param].append(data) return { param: extract_numeric_precisions(data).item() for param, data in collect.items() }
[docs] FTypeOptions = Literal["cf", "exchange", "coards", "woce"]
[docs] class CCHDOAccessor: def __init__(self, xarray_obj: xr.Dataset): self._obj = xarray_obj
[docs] def to_mat(self, fname): """Experimental Matlab .mat data file generator. The support for netCDF files in Matlab is really bad. Matlab also has no built in support for the standards we are trying to follow (CF, ACDD), the most egregious lack of support is how to deal with times in netCDF files. This was an attempt to make a mat file which takes care of some of the things matlab won't do for you. It requires scipy to function. The file it produces is in no way stable. """ try: from import savemat as scipy_savemat # noqa except ImportError as error: raise ImportError("scipy is required for mat file saving") from error mat_dict = {} data = self._obj.to_dict() # flatten for coord, value in data["coords"].items(): del value["dims"] mat_dict[coord] = value for param, value in data["data_vars"].items(): del value["dims"] mat_dict[param] = value # cleanups for matlab users def to_matdate(dt): if dt is None: return "NaT" return dt.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S") def dt_list_to_str_list(dtl): return list(map(to_matdate, dtl)) for _, value in mat_dict.items(): if value.get("attrs", {}).get("standard_name") == "time": # the case of list of lists is bottle closure times, which is a sparse array if any(isinstance(v, list) for v in value["data"]): value["data"] = list(map(dt_list_to_str_list, value["data"])) else: value["data"] = dt_list_to_str_list(value["data"]) if "status_flag" in value.get("attrs", {}).get("standard_name", ""): value["data"] = np.nan_to_num(value["data"], nan=9) scipy_savemat(fname, mat_dict)
[docs] def to_coards(self, path=None): from .legacy.coards import to_coards return write_or_return(to_coards(self._obj), path)
[docs] def to_woce(self, path=None): from .legacy.woce import to_woce return write_or_return(to_woce(self._obj), path)
[docs] def to_sum(self, path=None): """NetCDF to WOCE sumfile maker. This is missing some information that is not included anymore (wire out, height above bottom). It is especially lacking in including woce parameter IDs """ COMMENTS = "CCHDO SumFile" # TODO is there a better way? SUM_COLUMN_HEADERS_1 = [ "SHIP/CRS", "WOCE", "", "", "CAST", "", "UTC", "EVENT", "", "POSITION", "", "UNC", "HT ABOVE", "WIRE", "MAX", "NO. OF", "", "", ] SUM_COLUMN_HEADERS_2 = [ "EXPOCODE", "SECT", "STNNBR", "CASTNO", "TYPE", "DATE", "TIME", "CODE", "LATITUDE", "LONGITUDE", "NAV", "DEPTH", "BOTTOM", "OUT", "PRESS", "BOTTLES", "PARAMETERS", "COMMENTS", ] SUM_COL_JUSTIFICATION = [ # note that python calls this "align" "<", # expo "<", # woce line ">", # station ">", # cast ">", # type "<", # date ">", # time ">", # EVENT (guess at justification) "<", # position 1 "<", # position 2 "<", # NAV (guess at justification) ">", # depth ">", # height ">", # wire out ">", # pres ">", # no bottles "<", # params "<", # comments ] def sum_lat(deg_float): deg = abs(int(deg_float)) if deg_float >= 0: hem = "N" dec = deg_float % 1 else: hem = "S" dec = -(deg_float % -1) mins = 60 * dec return f"{deg:>2d} {mins:05.2f} {hem}" def sum_lon(deg_float): deg = abs(int(deg_float)) if deg_float >= 0: hem = "E" dec = deg_float % 1 else: hem = "W" dec = -(deg_float % -1) mins = 60 * dec return f"{deg:>3d} {mins:05.2f} {hem}" col_widths = [len(s) for s in SUM_COLUMN_HEADERS_1] col_widths = [max(x, len(s)) for x, s in zip(col_widths, SUM_COLUMN_HEADERS_2)] sum_rows = [] for _, prof in self._obj.groupby("N_PROF"): dt = pd.to_datetime(prof.time.values) sect_id = "" sect_ids = prof.filter_by_attrs(whp_name="SECT_ID") for _, ids in sect_ids.items(): sect_id = str(ids.values) break depth = "" depths = prof.filter_by_attrs(whp_name="DEPTH") for _, meters in depths.items(): depth = f"{meters.values:.0f}" if depth == "nan": depth = "" break no_of_bottles = ( f"{sum(prof.sample.values!='')}" if prof.profile_type == "B" else "" ) row = [""] * len(col_widths) row[0] = str( prof.expocode.values ) # TODO? Limit to 12 chars as per 3.3.1 of woce manual row[1] = sect_id # TODO? Maybe also limit to 12 chars? row[2] = str(prof.station.values) row[3] = str(prof.cast.values) row[4] = "ROS" row[5] = dt.strftime("%m%d%y") row[6] = dt.strftime("%H%M") row[7] = "BO" row[8] = sum_lat(prof.latitude.values) row[9] = sum_lon(prof.longitude.values) row[10] = "GPS" row[11] = depth row[12] = "" # height above "BOTTOM" row[13] = "" # "WIRE" out row[14] = f"{max(prof.pressure.values):.0f}" row[15] = no_of_bottles row[16] = ( "" # "PARAMS" we have this info... needs to be calculated on a per profile basis though... ) row[17] = "" # "COMMENTS" sum_rows.append(row) col_widths = [max(x, len(s)) for x, s in zip(col_widths, row)] formats = [] for width, align in zip(col_widths, SUM_COL_JUSTIFICATION): formats.append("{: " + align + str(width) + "}") format_str = " ".join(formats) HEADERS_1 = format_str.format(*SUM_COLUMN_HEADERS_1) HEADERS_2 = format_str.format(*SUM_COLUMN_HEADERS_2) SEP_LINE = "-" * (sum(col_widths) + len(col_widths)) SUM_ROWS = [] for row in sum_rows: SUM_ROWS.append(format_str.format(*row)) sum_file = "\n".join( [COMMENTS, HEADERS_1, HEADERS_2, SEP_LINE, *SUM_ROWS] ).encode("ascii") return write_or_return(sum_file, path)
[docs] def __geo_interface__(self): """The station positions as a MultiPoint geo interface. See """ ds = self._obj coords = np.column_stack((ds.longitude, ds.latitude)) return {"type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": coords.tolist()}
[docs] def track(self): """A dict which can be dumped to json which conforms to the expected structure for the CCHDO website.""" geo = self.__geo_interface__ if len(geo["coordinates"]) == 1: # Website only supports LineString which must contain at least 2 points # They can be the same point though geo["coordinates"].append(geo["coordinates"][0]) geo["type"] = "LineString" return geo
[docs] def _gen_fname( expocode: str, station: str, cast: int, profile_type: FileType, profile_count: int = 1, ftype: FTypeOptions = "cf", ) -> str: allowed_chars = set(f"._{string.ascii_letters}{string.digits}") ctd_one = "" ctd_many = "" bottle = "" if ftype == "exchange": ctd_one = "ct1.csv" ctd_many = "" bottle = "hy1.csv" if ftype == "coards": # internal zip filenames are done by the legacy writer ctd_one = "" ctd_many = "" bottle = "" if ftype == "woce": # internal zip filenames are done by the legacy writer ctd_one = "ct.txt" ctd_many = "" bottle = "hy.txt" if profile_type == FileType.BOTTLE: fname = f"{expocode}_{bottle}" elif profile_count > 1 or ftype in ("woce", "coards"): fname = f"{expocode}_{ctd_many}" else: fname = f"{expocode}_{station}_{cast:.0f}_{ctd_one}" for char in set(fname) - allowed_chars: fname = fname.replace(char, "_") return fname
[docs] def gen_fname(self, ftype: FTypeOptions = "cf") -> str: """Generate a human friendly netCDF (or other output type) filename for this object.""" expocode = np.atleast_1d(self._obj["expocode"])[0] station = np.atleast_1d(self._obj["station"])[0] cast = np.atleast_1d(self._obj["cast"])[0] profile_type = FileType(np.atleast_1d(self._obj["profile_type"])[0]) profile_count = len(self._obj.get("N_PROF", [])) return self._gen_fname( expocode, station, cast, profile_type, profile_count, ftype )
[docs] def compact_profile(self): """Drop the trailing empty data from a profile. Because we use the incomplete multidimensional array representation of profiles there is often "wasted space" at the end of any profile that is not the longest one. This accessor drops that wasted space for xr.Dataset objects containing a single profile """ if self._obj.sizes["N_PROF"] != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot compact Dataset with more than one profile" ) return self._obj.isel(N_LEVELS=(self._obj.sample != "")[0])
[docs] date_names = {WHPNames["DATE"], WHPNames["BTL_DATE"]}
[docs] time_names = {WHPNames["TIME"], WHPNames["BTL_TIME"]}
[docs] def file_type(self): # TODO profile_type is guaranteed to be present # TODO profile_type must have C or D as the value profile_type = self._obj.profile_type if not all_same(profile_type.values): raise NotImplementedError( "Unable to convert a mix of ctd and bottle (or unknown) dtypes" ) if profile_type[0] == FileType.CTD.value: return FileType.CTD elif profile_type[0] == FileType.BOTTLE.value: return FileType.BOTTLE else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown profile type encountered")
[docs] def cchdo_c_format_precision(c_format: str) -> int | None: if not c_format.endswith("f"): return None f_format = re.compile(r"\.(\d+)f") if (match := is not None: return int( return match
[docs] def _make_params_units_line( self, params: dict[WHPName, xr.DataArray], ): plist = [] ulist = [] for param, dataarray in sorted(params.items()): if self.file_type == FileType.CTD and ( param.scope != "sample" or param.nc_name == "sample" ): continue plist.append(param.full_whp_name) unit = param.whp_unit if unit is None: unit = "" ulist.append(unit) if (flag := dataarray.attrs.get(FLAG_NAME)) is not None: plist.append(flag.attrs["whp_name"]) ulist.append("") if (error := dataarray.attrs.get(ERROR_NAME)) is not None: plist.append(error.attrs["whp_name"]) ulist.append(unit) return ",".join(plist), ",".join(ulist)
[docs] def _whpname_from_attrs(attrs) -> list[WHPName]: params = [] param = attrs["whp_name"] unit = attrs.get("whp_unit") if isinstance(param, list): for combined in param: params.append(WHPNames[(combined, unit)]) else: try: error = WHPNames[(param, unit)] if error.error_col: return [] except KeyError: pass params.append(WHPNames[(param, unit)]) return params
[docs] def _make_ctd_headers(self, params) -> list[str]: headers = {} for param, da in params.items(): if param.scope != "profile": continue date_or_time = None if param in self.date_names: date_or_time = "date" value = da.dt.strftime("%Y%m%d").to_numpy()[0] elif param in self.time_names: date_or_time = "time" value = da.dt.round("T").dt.strftime("%H%M").to_numpy()[0] else: try: data = da.values[0].item() except AttributeError: data = da.values[0] numeric_precision_override = self.cchdo_c_format_precision( da.attrs.get("C_format", "") ) value = param.strfex( data, date_or_time=date_or_time, numeric_precision_override=numeric_precision_override, ) headers[param.whp_name] = value.strip() return [ f"NUMBER_HEADERS = {len(headers) + 1}", *[f"{key} = {value}" for key, value in headers.items()], ]
[docs] def _make_data_block(self, params: dict[WHPName, xr.DataArray]) -> list[str]: # TODO N_PROF is guaranteed valid_levels = params[WHPNames["SAMPNO"]] != "" data_block = [] for param, da in sorted(params.items()): if self.file_type == FileType.CTD and ( param.scope != "sample" or param.nc_name == "sample" ): continue date_or_time: Literal["date", "time"] | None = None # TODO, deal with missing time in BTL_DATE if param in self.date_names: date_or_time = "date" values = da[valid_levels].dt.strftime("%Y%m%d").to_numpy().tolist() elif param in self.time_names: date_or_time = "time" values = ( da[valid_levels] .dt.round("T") .dt.strftime("%H%M") .to_numpy() .tolist() ) else: if da.dtype.char == "m": nat_mask = np.isnat(da) data_t = da.values.astype("timedelta64[s]").astype("float64") data_t[nat_mask] = np.nan data = np.nditer(data_t) else: data = np.nditer(da[valid_levels], flags=["refs_ok"]) numeric_precision_override = self.cchdo_c_format_precision( da.attrs.get("C_format", "") ) values = [ param.strfex( v, date_or_time=date_or_time, numeric_precision_override=numeric_precision_override, ) for v in data ] data_block.append(values) if (flags := da.attrs.get(FLAG_NAME)) is not None: data = np.nditer(flags[valid_levels]) flag = [param.strfex(v, flag=True) for v in data] data_block.append(flag) if (errors := da.attrs.get(ERROR_NAME)) is not None: data = np.nditer(errors[valid_levels]) numeric_precision_override = self.cchdo_c_format_precision( da.attrs.get("C_format", "") ) error = [ param.strfex( v, date_or_time=date_or_time, numeric_precision_override=numeric_precision_override, ) for v in data ] data_block.append(error) return data_block
[docs] def _get_comments(self): output = [] if len(comments := self._obj.attrs.get("comments", "")) > 0: for comment_line in comments.splitlines(): output.append(f"#{comment_line}") return output
[docs] def to_whp_columns(self, compact=False) -> dict[WHPName, xr.DataArray]: # collect all the Exchange variables # TODO, all things that appear in an exchange file, must have WHP name ds = flatten_cdom_coordinate(self._obj) ds = ds.reset_coords( [ "expocode", "station", "cast", "sample", "time", "latitude", "longitude", "pressure", ] ) ds = ds.stack(ex=("N_PROF", "N_LEVELS")) if compact: ds = ds.isel(ex=(ds.sample != "")) exchange_vars = ds.filter_by_attrs(whp_name=lambda name: name is not None) params: dict[WHPName, xr.DataArray] = {} for var in exchange_vars.values(): whp_params = self._whpname_from_attrs(var.attrs) for param in whp_params: params[param] = var ancillary_vars_attr = var.attrs.get("ancillary_variables") if ancillary_vars_attr is None: continue # CF says these need to be space seperated ancillary_vars = ancillary_vars_attr.split(" ") for ancillary_var in ancillary_vars: ancillary = ds[ancillary_var] standard_name = ancillary.attrs.get("standard_name") if standard_name is None and ancillary.attrs.get("whp_name") is None: # TODO maybe raise... continue # currently there are three types of ancillary: flags, errors, and analytical temps (e.g. for pH) if standard_name == "temperature_of_analysis_of_sea_water": # this needs to get treated like a param for param in self._whpname_from_attrs(ancillary.attrs): params[param] = ancillary elif standard_name == "status_flag": for param in whp_params: ancillary.attrs["whp_name"] = f"{param.full_whp_name}_FLAG_W" params[param].attrs[FLAG_NAME] = ancillary # TODO find a way to test this try: error_param = WHPNames[ ( ancillary.attrs.get("whp_name"), ancillary.attrs.get("whp_unit"), ) ] if error_param.error_col: ancillary.attrs["whp_name"] = error_param.full_error_name params[param].attrs[ERROR_NAME] = ancillary except KeyError: pass return params
[docs] def to_exchange(self, path=None): """Convert a CCHDO CF netCDF dataset to exchange.""" # all of the todo comments are for documenting/writing validators output_files = {} if self.file_type == FileType.CTD: for _, ds1 in self._obj.groupby("N_PROF", squeeze=False): fname = ds1.cchdo.gen_fname(ftype="exchange") output = [] output.append(f"CTD,{}CCHHYDRO") output.extend(self._get_comments()) params = ds1.cchdo.to_whp_columns() output.extend(self._make_ctd_headers(params)) output.extend(self._make_params_units_line(params)) data_block = self._make_data_block(params) for row in zip(*data_block): output.append(",".join(str(cell) for cell in row)) output.append("END_DATA\n") output_files[fname] = "\n".join(output).encode("utf8") if self.file_type == FileType.BOTTLE: fname = self._obj.cchdo.gen_fname(ftype="exchange") output = [] output.append(f"BOTTLE,{}CCHHYDRO") output.extend(self._get_comments()) params = self._obj.cchdo.to_whp_columns() # add the params and units line output.extend(self._make_params_units_line(params)) data_block = self._make_data_block(params) for row in zip(*data_block): output.append(",".join(str(cell) for cell in row)) output.append("END_DATA\n") output_files[fname] = "\n".join(output).encode("utf8") if len(output_files) == 1: return write_or_return(next(iter(output_files.values())), path) output_zip = BytesIO() with ZipFile(output_zip, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipfile: for fname, data in output_files.items(): zipfile.writestr(fname, data) return write_or_return(, path)
# Until I figure out how to use the pandas machinery (or the explict index project of xarray pays off) # I will use a "custom" indexer here to index into the variables # This will rely on the N_PROF and N_LEVELS (with extra at some point) # * N_PROF will be indexed with (expocode, station, cast) # * N_LEVELS will be subindexd with (sample)
[docs] def merge_fq(self, fq: list[dict[str, str | float]], *, check_flags=True): # TODOs... # * (default True) restrict to open "slots" of non flag 9s # * Vectorize updates # * Update history attribute... now = new_obj = self._obj.copy(deep=True) idxer = WHPIndxer(new_obj) normalized_fq = normalize_fq(fq) input_precisions = fq_get_precisions(normalized_fq) for key, values in normalized_fq.items(): prof, level = idxer[key] for param, value in values.items(): whpname = WHPNames[param] if whpname.error_col: col_ref = new_obj[whpname.nc_name_error] elif whpname.flag_col: col_ref = new_obj[whpname.nc_name_flag] else: col_ref = new_obj[whpname.nc_name] # actually update the data col_ref[prof, level] = value col_ref.attrs["date_modified"] = now.isoformat(timespec="seconds") if ( param in input_precisions and whpname.dtype == "decimal" and not whpname.flag_col ): new_c_format = f"%.{input_precisions[param]}f" new_c_format_source = "input_file" if ( col_ref.attrs.get("C_format") != new_c_format or col_ref.attrs.get("C_format_source") != new_c_format_source ): col_ref.attrs["C_format"] = new_c_format col_ref.attrs["C_format_source"] = new_c_format_source col_ref.attrs["date_metadata_modified"] = now.isoformat( timespec="seconds" ) if check_flags: _check_flags(new_obj) return new_obj