hydro.rename ============ .. py:module:: hydro.rename Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: hydro.rename.is_not_none hydro.rename.rename_with_bookkeeping hydro.rename.to_argo_variable_names Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: is_not_none(obj) .. py:function:: rename_with_bookkeeping(xarray_obj, name_dict = None, attrs = None) Find and update all instances of a given variable to a new name. Parameters can be referenced in the attributes of separate parameter (e.g. ``ancillary_variables``) and need to be updated appropriately when renaming variables. :param xarray.Dataset xarray_obj: A Dataset containing variables, flags, etc. :param typing.Mapping name_dict: Mapping of old variable names to new. :param typing.List[str] attrs: Names of variable attributes to search through. :rtype: xarray.Dataset .. py:function:: to_argo_variable_names(xarray_obj)